Delhi University has subscribed Nanoscience & Nanotechnolony package from 2010 onwards. List of the journals covered in this package are given below:
1. European Journal of Industrial Engineering
2. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management
3. International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences
4. International Journal of Applied Management Science
5. International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience And Nanotechnology
6. International Journal of Business Innovation And Research
7. International Journal of Computational Materials Science And Surface Engineering
8. International Journal of Information And Decision Sciences
9. International Journal of Logistics Systems And Management
10. International Journal of Mathematics In Operational Research
11. International Journal of Mechatronics And Manufacturing Systems
12. International Journal of Modeling In Operations Management
13. International Journal of Multi Criteria Decision Making
14. International Journal of Nano And Biomaterials
15. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing
16. International Journal of Nanoparticles
17. International Journal of Nanotechnology
18. International Journal of Operational Research
19. International Journal of Procurement Management
20. International Journal of Services And Operations Management
21. International Journal of Supply Chain And Inventory Management
22. International Journal of Supply Chain And Operations Resilience
23. International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
24. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Multiscale Mechanics